Welcome to Infinity Alignment

Infinity Alignment is a unique healing modality that embodies Mother Nature’s ancient wisdom.

Her philosophy has existed through centuries, grown through experience, and is living through Jean-Marc. Infinity Alignment Therapy aims to share her divine healing power with the world and empower your emotional, physical, and spiritual self.


Foundation Module

SLOVENIA 30th September – 1st October 2023

UK 18th-19th November 2023

Fairs & Events

Alexandra Palace: 13-15th October 2023

Healing Session

Infinity Alignment Therapy is above all a healing modality that aims to support and empower your emotional, physical, and spiritual self.

Book yourself a session by filling out our form below.


All can and are welcome to learn our therapy with the rest of the infinity alignment students. The therapy is quick and easy to learn. Therefore, all you need is an open mind, an open heart, and a desire to learn.

Join us today!

We met Jean-Marc at the Mind ,Body & Soul Show at Alexander Palace in 2019 where he performed an emergency healing session on my wife who was feeling rather unwell at the time, but his swift intervention allowed her to continue enjoying the Show that day so we were very grateful to him for his caring, dedicated and professional manner, and the following day I too booked a session with him to clear some blockages/issues I had as well do Business Alignment with him. I would highly recommend Jean-Marc. 

Thank you!

Paul Marshman

Company Owner, UK